Where have the boys of summer gone ...

About one year from now, certainly at John G's birthday dinner , one topic of conversation will be when was the boats taken out?..When will the boat lifts and docks be taken out and when were they taken out in 2015 ?

Well, John pulled the wave runners out maybe a week ago ( I don't remember exact date) and the Ranger maybe a week ago.  But the dates I do know is the Deb-Side Pontoon was pulled this morning sometime between 7:00 and 9:00AM.

Matt the dock guy showed up around 11:00AM  and pulled the lifts and docks ..

and in case your wondering , check out last years (2014) blog of November 15th, 2014 posting of "Docks out-ice is starting to form" posting ) ..

Cheers, Tomba ..


October 10th, 2015 Cruise ..

When Deb and I are in the "rest home", these are the images and memories that will be planted in our brains (Hopefully if we can remember our important times of 2015) that will make us smile in maybe the tough days of Rest Room living..

Thanks for the cruise Captain John G.

...Hopefully there's two or three cruises left in 2015...


Few pic's of the Blood Moon ..

September 27th 2015 , the "rare "Total Lunar Eclipse of a Super Full Moon ...the moon was closest to the earth or at its perigee. Here's the view from Lake Beulah, East Troy ,Wisconsin.

Images captured with a Nikon D3    Sigma 5.0-6.3 600MM

1/5 second & last image 1/13 second    f/6.3    SO 8000

Flyboarder provided by Tyler Bradfield of Elevate Flyboarding.

I believe when the next Total Full Moon eclipse "Blood Moon" appears it will be October 8th, 2033.  I marked my calendar but there's a pretty good chance that they wont let me out of the Retirement to go outside when it's dark out!!

I could explain the Lunar Tetrad and the Four Blood Moons Doomsday Prophecy's & Predictions. But since the world didn't come to end just "google" it like I did and read about it.

Cheers, Tomba

Test driving the Sigma 150/600 MM

Over this weekend ,it was time to test drive the Sigma 150/600MM 5.0-6.3 lens with a quick comparison to the 70/200 2.8 Nikon lens.  Needs more detailed data for a true test then I was willing to spend the time doing as I just wanted a "quick review" to learn how to handle the lens.

First Group/ Slideshow: Files with notes that only Photog's care about:

Second Goup: My favorite pic's of the day;

Below files mostly full frame with various notes .. Easiest viewing , click on first image which will take you to a Light box, then use arrow icon to advance

Second group ....Favorites :

Still to do;

1)  Use the Sigma USB Docking UD-01 to setup and check Sigma Len's (I couldn't get it work when I tried it last week)..Next project is to sort the out

2) Compare Nikon 200MM with the doubler (Nikon TC)  with the Sigma.

Cheers, Tomba