Labor Day weekend ..

Some images captured over the 2015 Labor Day Weekend...Along with some Time-Lapse and video testing below the slide-show....

The below Time Lapse was captured with a Go-Pro 3 - 400 frames at five second intervals enhanced with CS6 ....

The below Time Lapse was captured with a Nikon D3 ...450 frames @ five second intervals ..

Five minute Hero 3 Go-Pro video clip of a lake Beulah kayak ride on Labor Day Friday ...

Once again Thanks to Kevin MacLeod of for the use of "Ossuary" music...

Cheers, Tomba



CineSpace "CineFest Backlot Block Party" Photo Galleries

On Friday and Sunday August 28th and 29th , I had honor to photography several of the performing bands at the CineSpace CineFest Block Party..

Way to many bands to list but the include ;

Blue Oyster Cult, Chicago 6 Band, Quiet Riot and Kashmir ...Plus many other great bands..

Below is a slideshow of my favorite images of Friday and Sunday, Sorry I was not available for the Saturday "block party".please note these are the my favorites of the CineFest.  The Complete Photo Gallery setup with folders of the different bands can be accessed through Tomba-Images commerce  link below the slideshow.

To access the complete Tomba-Images Photo Gallery Posting, please highlight and right click the below link;

If the above link is broken, please visit  ..In the banner, click on > Commerce Site/ Photo Galleries ..on the next page click on > Photo Galleries to view galleries.  If you have any questions or need anything , please text/ call me at 630-258 8930.

Cheers, Tomba

Party weekend at the Cinespace "Cinefest Backlot Block Party"

If for some unknown reason (and I cant image why) you missed the "Backlot Block Party" tonight at the CineSpace.  Not to fear, you have a chance to redeem yourself by going this Saturday and Sunday.  To view map (near 15th and Western) to see the entire lineup for the three stages.  That's right three stages !!! Please visit or give me a text/ call at 630-258 8930.

Here's what you missed tonight (Friday) ..Blue Oyster Cult playing "Then came the last days of May"- "This ain't the summer of love"- and of course "(Don't fear) The Reaper".  I love these guys back in the day and I still do.  From what I heard from the screaming. rocking fans behind me , I'm not alone in loving these guys.  Great thing was I'm pretty sure Blue Oyster Cult was having as much fun as the fans and me.

Meanwhile on the Rock Roots Stage and on the main stage Chris Medina (American Idol winner) there was blues, rock ...all music ,all good.  My feel good moment of the night was when one of the Blues Artists remember me from when a was a real photographer and I would go to the Chicago Blues Fest every day and capture images on film ,then process negatives and spent days and days and days in the darkroom printing. Those prints were always turned in the Chicago Library Blues Archives.  As far as I know they are still in the Library Archives.  

Meanwhile at the EDM Stage ...Prepare to be amazed...

See you tomorrow ...or Sunday ..Better be at one of the days ...Cheers...Tomba

MooNiE the Magnif'Cent ....Foolish MortaL!

Visited my favorite Actor, Juggler, Foolish MortaL and comedian extraordinaire at the Bristol Renaissance Faire today.  Over the years, I have seen Phil Johnson in serious plays and as the MooNiE persona and whatever he does he does it "so very well" ...

Check him out at Bristol Renaissance Faire ( ) , he is there till Saturdays , Sunday and Holidays till September 7th this year and I believe he has shows coming up later in the year as MooNiE and Broon in Lake Forest and Wood Stock.

You can checkout Phil Johnson's schedule at   or contact for his travel information as I normally have a pretty good idea of where he is performing. ....Go see him, you wont regret it, he's the funniest man there is  in Illinois ...Make that the Midwest ..Make that in the United States ..Make that get the idea! 

Below slideshow is one of my favorite "acts" ...

But MooNiE is a man of many faces as seen below..

Cheers , Tomba