On Friday and Sunday August 28th and 29th , I had honor to photography several of the performing bands at the CineSpace CineFest Block Party..
Way to many bands to list but the include ;
Blue Oyster Cult, Chicago 6 Band, Quiet Riot and Kashmir ...Plus many other great bands..
Below is a slideshow of my favorite images of Friday and Sunday, Sorry I was not available for the Saturday "block party".please note these are the my favorites of the CineFest. The Complete Photo Gallery setup with folders of the different bands can be accessed through Tomba-Images commerce link below the slideshow.
To access the complete Tomba-Images Photo Gallery Posting, please highlight and right click the below link;
If the above link is broken, please visit www.tomba-images.com ..In the banner, click on > Commerce Site/ Photo Galleries ..on the next page click on > Photo Galleries to view galleries. If you have any questions or need anything , please text/ call me at 630-258 8930.
Cheers, Tomba