Chasing the wind ....

On Thursday , July 14th 2016 I had the good fortune to be able to capture a few sailors "chasing the wind" on Beulah.  My guess is gusting winds at 15 to 18 knots ...which 24 hours later its about zero knots per hour.

Unfortunately , the clicking on below music tab is for PC users only ...If you try clicking on music on a I-Phone or I-Pad it will move you of page.  I'm trying to fix with SoundCloud but I just cant seem to nail it down to work correctly ...

Click on the images for full screen light box...

The water has been fun but its time to head to the Wauconda Rodeo Grounds for Larry Lentz's Ammy Boxing of "Badges and Bad Guys" ...Its going to be a great time, see you there.  Starts tonight Friday July 15th, 2016 at 7:00PM or so.  If you need directions or ticket information , please text / call me at 630-258 8930.

Cheers, Tomba



Test driving the Sigma 150/600 MM

Over this weekend ,it was time to test drive the Sigma 150/600MM 5.0-6.3 lens with a quick comparison to the 70/200 2.8 Nikon lens.  Needs more detailed data for a true test then I was willing to spend the time doing as I just wanted a "quick review" to learn how to handle the lens.

First Group/ Slideshow: Files with notes that only Photog's care about:

Second Goup: My favorite pic's of the day;

Below files mostly full frame with various notes .. Easiest viewing , click on first image which will take you to a Light box, then use arrow icon to advance

Second group ....Favorites :

Still to do;

1)  Use the Sigma USB Docking UD-01 to setup and check Sigma Len's (I couldn't get it work when I tried it last week)..Next project is to sort the out

2) Compare Nikon 200MM with the doubler (Nikon TC)  with the Sigma.

Cheers, Tomba