Over this weekend ,it was time to test drive the Sigma 150/600MM 5.0-6.3 lens with a quick comparison to the 70/200 2.8 Nikon lens. Needs more detailed data for a true test then I was willing to spend the time doing as I just wanted a "quick review" to learn how to handle the lens.
First Group/ Slideshow: Files with notes that only Photog's care about:
Second Goup: My favorite pic's of the day;
Below files mostly full frame with various notes .. Easiest viewing , click on first image which will take you to a Light box, then use arrow icon to advance
Second group ....Favorites :
Still to do;
1) Use the Sigma USB Docking UD-01 to setup and check Sigma Len's (I couldn't get it work when I tried it last week)..Next project is to sort the out
2) Compare Nikon 200MM with the doubler (Nikon TC) with the Sigma.
Cheers, Tomba