If you are interested in viewing any matches of the first week of competition of the Chicago Golden Gloves (March 6-7-8-9 2013) at Cicero Stadium , visit the link below.
* Please note due to the amount of matches , we have not done any color correction, cropping or enhanding to images.. Print orders will be checked to see if enhanding is required.
* The Golden Gloves special is the burning of all files in a particular match (Web Sized for Social Networking-Non corrected) to a souvenir Boxing Glove 2GB Thumb drive -$35.00. Pickup at Cicero Staduim on Fight Nights or add $7.50 UPS charges. Please contact us for ordering at tom@tomba-images.com or call/ text 630-258 8930.
* Images for Saturday March 9th Matches 1 through 9 can be obtained by contacting Kyle Wolff at wolff.kyle@gmail.com 630-669 3895
Photo Gallery postings can be viewed at www.tomba-images.com click on "Photo Galleries" near Banner on top of page.
See you Thursday at Cicero Staduim ...