The Fighters of the October 27th , 2017 Bobby Hitz Boxing matches

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce the Warrors who will be fighting tonight October 27th, 2017 at the Bobby Hitz Professional Boxing at the Belvedere Hall located in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

Below the cover image of Tommy Hughes, is a slideshow of quick picks of my favorite images captured last night at the Hitz Weigh-In.

Tommy Hughes ...Click on above to view full screeen.

It's all happening tonight in about five hours at the Belvedere 1170 West Devon , Elk Grove Village , Illinois 847- 534 0600.  If you need any information about the best live boxing in the Chicago area ,  text me at 630- 258 8930.

See you there.....Cheers, Tomba B