From the "Arnold Classic" -The Rouge Elephant Dead Lift

On Saturday , March 4th 2017 after winning the first two Arnold Strongman events, the "Bale Tote" and the "Timber Carry" on Friday. Saturdays first Strongman Event is the Rogue Elephant Dead-Lift. The images below are of the winner of the event and of the 2017 Arnold Classic Strongman Title  Brian Shaw.  The Dead-Lift shown below is of the third and final lift of 991 Lbs. / 450 Kgs.  

                                                          Above - The man in charge ....                                      

                              Below 37 seconds -991 Lbs.  closer to the 2017 Arnold Championship

What a great time I had , what a great event ...Next posting , Brian Shaw "Bag over Bar" tossing a 85 pound bag over a 15 foot high bar. Cheers, Tomba