Got to admit, its really cool to be hanging around Milwaukee area downtown for Boxing on a Summer day in August ! ...and tonight , it was beautiful perfect weather , perfect day to hold the long awaited SAY G Promotions State of Wisconsin official weigh-in for tomorrow nights Pro-Boxing being held at The Tripoli Shrine Center located at 3000 W. Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The fighters are weight in and ready to go ...Here's the images that pasted in front of my eye's this evening at Mo's Irish Pub 142 W. Wisconsin in Downtown Milwaukee..."If your lucky enough to be Irish ..that's enough" ....Don't mind if I do have a Black and Tan , I did my photography thing for the night.
If your in Chi-Town tomorrow Friday August 15th and find that you need your Friday Night Boxing fix, its a short pleasant drive to the Milwaukee area ..Come on up North and check out the great city of Milwaukee ...If you directions, ticket information or anything at all , text/ call me at 630-258 8930 ...