Fixing up the Office with new chairs

Its taking me five years less 40 days to wear out (actually break two office chairs ...I think one in Long Grove too).  So my lady ordered the best she could get ...Since it appears I am a serial chair wrecker, Deb got me the " Heavy Duty Chair " that's is tested with 350 pound people.  So I believe that means its OK if ( or when) I weigh 350 pounds , my chair will hold up. 

The new Captains Chairs

The new Captains Chairs

Looking good ...Thanks Deb ..

Looking good ...Thanks Deb ..

Fire wood for Charlie ..

Fire wood for Charlie ..

Its good to be the King ...

I'm sure someone is going to say "Tom, don't you weigh over 350 pounds and probably should have gotten the  Heavy Duty "Heavy Duty Chair".



Easter at the Lake

Not exactly Summer but its looking good and that Summer will actually arrive shortly ..During the days before Easter there were a few days of "deck time" and for Deb a little time "kicking back"  in the Hammock.

There were some sighting  of my  favorite spring birds ....

Yes , we have tuna during our Hoildays quite often as a family favorite appetizer but this is  first time for " Sushi Gade Tuna" at $23.00 pound ...And yes, it was amazing ...Cook time on the Weber was two minutes each side with Sear station on and burners on high , then one minute each side with sear station off and burners turnered down.

Next time -try 1 & 1/2 minutes then 45 seconds ...

Easter dinner was Lamb Chops with very little seasoning ..Cooked 4 & 1/2 on one side  then 5 minutes with no sear station...Next go around , plan ahead and prepare a seasoning paste ..Then four minutes and four minutes with a five minute "rest" time.

and then there's Deb's Apple Pie ....John put up New flag up on the deck ..Lights over sink .....Holding tank all serviced ..Getting readry for those lazy days of Summer ...Heading to Chi-town either tommorow night or Thursday for the three days of …

and then there's Deb's Apple Pie ....

John put up New flag up on the deck ..Lights over sink .....Holding tank all serviced ..Getting readry for those lazy days of Summer ...

Heading to Chi-town either tommorow night or Thursday for the three days of the Golden Gloves Finals.



First "deck " launch and return ..

So I been walking out on to the lake (because it made sense to launch from there) ...and then like one of those light bulbs going off above my head ..The thought came to me , why aren't you launching from the deck?  Its warmer! Its easier to see my I-pad (tho I still want to watch my "bird" instead FPV but the plan is to work on that next week upon my return on Sunday! My boots  (actually I was wearing slip on's because I could ) are dry and not full of mud.

Here's a three plus minute clip of my inaugural off the railing of my deck launch. Sorry I didn't turn on video for launch or hand catch on the deck,  maybe next week.  I was thinking about far more important things than recording like safety ...

Its the little learning things that make me smile ...tommorow maybe indoors at Cicero Staduim!

