Part two of two parts
On Saturday , August 4th 2018 the Midwest's Premier MMA Promoter "XFO MMA" once again held the extremely popular, fan favorite event and Outdoor MMA Party of the year "Outdoor Wars" at Sideouts Bar and Eatery which is located in Island Lake , Illinois.
Below the cover photo of The SideOuts Panorama # 2 is a slideshow of my favorite images of the afternoon matches ( Few favorite picks from each the afternoon matches). Please NOTE THIS SLIDESHOW IS NOT THE COMPLETE PHOTO GALLERY POSTING OF ALL IMAGES CAPTURE THOSE AFTERNOON MATCHES BUT MY FAVORITES . TO VIEW THE PHOTO GALLERY POSTING OF THE AFTERNOON MATCHES, LOCATE LINK BELOW SLIDESHOW.
The above panorama #2 is available as a 50" x 20" Art Print , please contact Tomba-Images for information. The slideshow below is Tomba's favorite images captured during the (part two) afternoon matches , few favorites from each of the afternoon matches. To view the complete photo gallery posting of all images captured during the afternoon matches , please locate the commerce gallery link below the slideshow.
To view the complete Photo Gallery containing all the images captured during the afternoon matches, XFO Ladies ,Hugh Prints and Mike Vale (Announcer extraordinaire) ,please high-light and right click the below link.
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If the above link is broken, please visit ...Locate the "Photo Galleries/ Commerce" tab in the banner, on the next page >>>click on "photo galleries".
The plan is to review, edit and post the weigh-In Portraits tommmorow .
If you have any questions or help navigating through he commerce site, please text/call me at 630-258 8930 or e-mail at
Cheers, Tomba