To all fighters from Bellator # 198 a Hugh "shout out" ...But especially to the many fighters that have fought on the XFO MMA mat's during their ammy and into thier Pro career.
Everyone of the below have fought in the XFO cages honing their MMA skills to get to the Bellator # 198 Cage ..Hoorah to one and all for making XFO MMA and Chi-town area fight fans proud.
-PJ Cajigas Dan Stittgen Matt Paul Joey Diehl James Bennett Dustin Stusse
Adil Benjilany Tom Angeloff Sultan Umar Adam Maciejewski Robbert Morrow
Above image available as a 14" x 8" Art Print Click on image to veiw in a lightbox
Click on image to veiw in a lightbox
Click on image to veiw in a lightbox
Click on image to veiw in a light box
Any questions , text me at 630-258 8930 or Email at " " .
Cheers, Tomba