Last Saturday night , March 18th, 2017 was the Second Installment of the extremely poplar XFO Pro Two Grappling Matches which was held at the Home Bar in Arlington Heights, Illinois. It was XFO MMA the Midwest Premier MMA promoter kicking off Spring with their second Pro Grappling/ Jiu Jitsu matches with one of many events coming up in 2017.
Tomba-Images Photography had the honor to capture images of all the fighters at a pre-fight Portrait session before the matches took place.
Below the cover photo of Darby Haanpaa is a slideshow of a few of my favorite images from each fighter of the night, note the slideshow is not the complete Fight Night gallery (BUT A FEW FAVORITES FOR EACH FIGHTER) , the LINK TO THE COMPLETE PORTRAIT GALLERY IS BELOW THE SLIDESHOW.
To view full screen of the above Darby Haanpaa capture , click on image
Slideshow below are my favorite images of each fighter- To view complete Portrait Photo Gallery click on the link below slideshow.
To view the complete Photo Gallery of all folders containing all the images captured at the pre-fight Portrait Photo session please high-light and right click the below link.
If the above link is broken, please visit ...Locate the "Photo Galleries/ Commerce" tab in the banner, on the next page >>>click on "photo galleries".
If you have any questions or help navigating through he commerce site, please text/call me at 630-258 8930 or e-mail at
The Tomba-Images Traveling studio once again did what we do , some of the numbers involved in the Photo sesssion are;
-Hour and 15 minutes to bring in gear and setup ;
- We captured images of 19 fighters , with missing the following six fighters;
-Nic Steinberg- John Maestre-Chris Beverly-Red Schafer-Zack Karr- Alex Nash- All we can do is keep yelling out that there's a limited amount of time and for everyone who's on the card to come see me ASAP;
-Started photographying with first fighter at 5:06PM and the last one of Mike Marrello at 6.24PM ...Tear Down loading car 30 Minutes;
- 195 images of the 19 fighters with various poses , average time with/ posing fighter two minutes.
Cheers, Tomba ....XFO in May , be ready to mark your calendar ...