XFO 53 The Night of Night's Photo Gallery Posting

Once again the true Midwest MMA Premier team put together a amazing night of MMA action at the UIC Pavilion for their Chicago MMA fans ...

Check out the below slideshow which is a few images from each of the 11 matches/ folders that are in the complete photo gallery posting  presented on Saturday October 11th ....Please note these are favorites of the night, the complete posting of all the images of all the matches can be viewed by going to the link below the slideshow.

The complete photo gallery posting can be veiwed by highlighting and right clicking the below link;


If the above link is broken , please visit  www.tomba-images.com > in the banner > Commerce site/ photo galleries.  If there's any problems or if I can answer any questions please text/ call me at 630-258 8930......Oh yeah, mark your calender for XFO #54 Saturday November 22nd, 2014 at the UIC Pavilion.

Cheers, Tomba


State of Illinois official XFO #53 Weigh-in

Tonight in preparation for Saturdays (October 11th ) XFO Professional MMA matches at the  UIC Pavilion the State of Illinois held the Official Weigh-In ...

The above copyrighted sound track is "UFC its hall of fame" is writen and produced by Alex and Steve Corbo.  This copyrighted music can not be copied or reproduced without prior written approval.  Contact Tomba-Images for information.

In case you were not able to attend , where's some favorite images of the night that will be used for the "Tale of Tape" Jumbo Tron....Yes, we have come a long way from shows in the back of bars ..

Meanwhile at the scale ....

As you can see from above, there's some great fighters, great matches lined up for the true MMA fans ...Hope to see you at the UIC Pavilion in 15 hours or so ..Doors open at 5:00PM ..first match 6:00PM ...Need directions to 525 South Racine or ticket info , text me at 630-258 8930

Cheers, Tomba 

Waiting for Headhunter MMA "Battle of the Borders II"

Waiting for the next Headhunter MMA Explosion

........Thanks Jimmy ...

 Over in China they got smart real fast

That's where they invented the man made blast.
They lost a few fingers and some bamboo shacks,
But they gave birth to a tribe of pyromaniacs.

Oh oh, it's a dangerous world.
Fire in the sky, lava in the ocean,
Sittin' round waitin' for the next explosion


...and that next Ammy MMA explosion is this Saturday October 5th at Jessie Oaks located at 18490 Old Gage Lake Road in Gage's Lake, Illinois.  As a taste of what's to be expected this Friday at the Weigh-In's and on "fight Night" .  Check out the below files of the "Ring Girl Search Contest" held a few days ago's.


The Ladies of Headhunter MMA


The Fighters of "Battle of the Borders II"  

Jessie Oaks -Groups -Plus  

Battle of the Borders Headhunter Belt

Need directions or ticket information for this Saturday's "fight night" or open to the public Weigh-In times, text / call me at 630-258 8930.


See you at Jessie Oaks ...I guarantee you will have a good time ... Jessie Oak's Bar -Restaurant- Entertainment Center is always a fun place..

Cheers, Tomba