October 15th , 2011 Fight night at The Odeum Expo Center Tomba Studio Long Grove, Illinois
Tonight was the best ( I know I should say it was the shit ) but I am am old and old habits are hard to break ..But what I really need to say is thank you Joe Smith for putting together a GREAT MMA EVENT and Thank you Ray Flores for the professionalism you bring to Cage Events ...Thank you to all the Chicago Cage Fighting Championships Team for a great job ..It was a night to remember ..Great Job !
Here's a few quick picks of the night , just a few (it is 5:15 AM and its been awhile since I have been sleeping) Please know there's no special reason on what are the Quick Picks just what happens to catch my eye.
The plan is to post all the nights action on ww.tomba-images.com on Monday ..