On Saturday , my office was at the Libertyville Sports Complex capturing images for the Larry Lentz's very poplar "Saturday Night Fight's" .
I think it would be a great idea for all the wantabe photojournalist that want to get into pro events, that they first need to work at a some ammy Boxing or MMA events. It would be like getting a Drivers Permit before you are turned loose at the "professional well lite events". It would be to test your camera prowess with being able to shoot at 2.8 @ 8000 ISO and then spent two full days editing files of 16 matches (500-600 files) in light room trying to bring down highlights. Then there's that head gear thing with the only light that gets to a fighters face is the reflection off the opponents glove.. ..Photojournalists learners permits being issued by some boxing Athletic Board ...Probably not going happen...But !!!!
Someone told me that there was some boxing matches going on but I'm pretty sure I was there to photograph Jamie Reynolds, Lee Ann Moore (The ladies from "Shawee Studios" ) and the Ladies from "Fight Fitness Studio" in Palatine, Illinois. Well , at least that's where my attention was!
Images of the Fight Fitness Ladiescaptured at 25,600 ISO@3.2 1/160
Images of the Shawee Ladies captured at 8000 ISO various apertures and shutter speeds
Just kidding about the "Boxing Matches Images" ...Files retrieved, edited and ready to be posted as soon as I get a bout sheet with names so I can name folders with fighters names tomorrow.
Need anything, text/call me at 630-258 8930 or E-mail at "tom@tomba-images.com and I will do what I can to help....Mark your calendar for this weeks Bobby Hitz's Professional Boxing at the Horseshoe Venue Theater in Hammond , Indiana on Saturday October 8th. I will be forwarding information later in the week.
Cheers, Tomba