"Pricilla" ...Round Card Lady extra0rdinaire...

I'm not much for looking back in the photo archives but ..............Since Pricilla asked (and I always been secretly in love with Pricilla, Sorry Deb!) ..and because Pricilla should be in line to win the Round Card Girl Championship  of Chi-Town.  Here's my favorite image of her and one of the my first pictures of her..Circa 2005..Below that image is a slideshow circa 2005-2006-2007...

Pricilla-01   Clicking on the below image will bring it to full screen viewing.

Copyright Music provided by Philip Earl Johnson   www.philipearl.com    Album "Public New Ditty" is available on I-Tunes and Phil's web site..Check it out!



For you photographers, this period of time was our entrance to the Digital World because of Deb. Most of above were captured with Fuji S2 and S3's ....

Cheers, Tomba