Hitz Boxing "fight night" Photo Gallery (All matches-Plus)

A few days back (Saturday Morning) I posted the "quick pic's" of the April 18th 2014 Bobby Hitz professional boxing fight night at the Horseshoe Venue.  As promised , this posting contains ;

Lets do that celebration flip ...again 

Lets do that celebration flip ...again 

1- Slideshow of my favorite images of the night (some picks from every match-plus-About 40 images)

2- Below the slideshow there is a link to the posting of the complete photo gallery.  All matches , guests and The Hitz ladies are in this link , all in separate folders for your convenience.

To view the entire "fight night" posting of photo galleries of evry match, guests-plus and The Hitz Ladies.  Please highlight and right click the below link ;


Click here for photo gallery

If the above link is broken, please visit www.tomba-images.com ...> click on tab in banner labeled "photo galleries/ commerce site" > on that page click on "click here " for Photo Galleries.

If you are having any problem navigating through the site or if you have any questions regarding usage, please text/ call me at 630-258 8930.

Cheers ........Tomba