Time to work on the 2016 Tomba Photography Bucket list

In 2016 (the year of the Red Monkey and of Tomba expanding types of images captured) its time to create and work on the "photography bucket" ....

First up ...........The Half Pint Brawlers (Midget Wresting) ..January 15th 2016

Clicking on above image will bring it to a light box---Below Slideshow


Few photography items on my 2016 Bucket list include;

- Doing photography work while in a Cigarette Boat Co-pilot seat doing 80 knots across Lake Beulah ...

- then that Playboy centerfold shot ........Maybe Dolly Pardon's secret tattoo's shot  ..

-Photographing someone going for the Guinness World Record for a motorcycle's longest and fastest "Stoppie" on ice. 


OK , I kind of get that the first couple of things on my list are going to be a little tough to arrange but the motorcycle "stoppie" is coming together.  Ryan Suchanec and others will be gathered at Norm's Hideway on Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin on February 7th, 2016 to crush the Guinness World record.

Cheers,  Tomba