Boat House Studio/ Tomba Images Lake Beulah, Wisconson
I know, I know , I haven't been keeping up with "The Lake Life" blog seems to get in the way sometimes..
Important 2012 lake dates:
October 13th weekend : Drink the lake Dry Party
This is the traditional closing up weekend (its a carry over from the West Bay days) but since we don't really plan on closing up its a get ready to pull boats,docks, wave runners out of the water, cleanup weekend, Etc....October 12th warm day ...13th cold and wet ..
October 19th: Boats and docks still in but all week its been wet and 50 degree's ...Tonight totally dark at 6:30PM ..Maybe some warm weather next week for a final 2012 pontoon or Ranger ride.
Couple of the pic's are from earlier in the week , the panorama is from 6:00PM this evening.
Cheers ,