When traveling to the August XFO Outdoor Wars a 10 gallon water container which I always bring with to Outdoor Wars tipped over. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize it and the spilled water seeped into a leather bag containing two Metz 64-af1 flash units and one I-pad pro destroying all three.
To replace the Metz 64-af1 unit’s , I decided to check out the Godox V1 flash unit’s . This is my first look/test of the $260.00 flash with a Nikon D5 .
This seemed to be the best image with what I believe is a tough situation Noon day sun in the background and shadows of black camera’s in the foreground. Goal being bring out clouds and detail of black camera’s in camera as these files are “out of camera” with no post editing.
First look at the Godox V1 is very encouraging that this was a very good fit for me .