Over the past four day's of June 4th through June 9th , weather at times was great, other times way too cold for June ...and a fair amount of rain at times.
Some new things at the Lake ...We picked up a Sixth Barrel (56 -12 oz serving) for the keg and for the first time we tried a brew out of Capital Brewery out of Middleton, Wisconsin...www.capitalbrewery.com
Nice malty lager for the summer that goes down easy ...But more importantly is Deb doesn't drink beer but she loves the name "The Lake House" and I have to admit its a fitting name for a beer at our bar...
Visiting Catfish -Click on image to view in a Light box ... Water Color test ...
One of my projects was cleaning up the hundreds of Backup DVD's stored ..Back in 2001 , the accepted way to backup files was on DVD's. At that time and probably up to 2007 hard drives and memory was cost prohibited so my gig's were double backup on DVD's. Some were correctly labeled and storied while others seemed to have gotten bunched up in boxes. My job was to try and list and catalog the best I could. So if you need something something that I shot from 2002 thru 2007, give me a call (But no guarantee) i will see if I can track it down.
Cheers, Tomba