Last Friday night , January 13th 2017 was the BIG INAUGURATION of the XFO Pro One Grappling Matches which was held at the Home Bar in Arlington Heights, Illinois. It was XFO MMA the Midwest Premier MMA promoter kicking off 2017 with its first Pro Grappling/ Jiu Jitsu matches with their first of many events coming up in 2017.
Tomba-Images Photography had the honor to capture images of all the warriors matches of a great night for all, fighters, fans and certainly this photog!
Below the cover photo of Inaugural poster is a slideshow of some of my favorites of the fight images. Please note the slideshow is not the complete Fight Night gallery (BUT A FEW FAVORITES FROM EACH MATCH) , the LINK TO THE COMPLETE FIGHT NIGHT GALLERY IS BELOW THE SLIDESHOW.
Click on images for light box view Above availble as 30" x 5" commentative print
To view the complete Photo Gallery of images captured on Fight Night January 13th, 2017 ,please high-light and right click the below link.
If the above link is broken, please visit ...Locate the "Photo Galleries/ Commerce" tab in the banner, on the next page >>>click on "photo galleries".
Later in the week , I should have time to edit and post a few 360 Pan's and video's. When I do will provide some upcoming dates for varoius XFO eveents so you can mark your calendar.
If you have any questions or help navigating through he commerce site, please text/call me at 630-258 8930 or e-mail at
Cheers, Tomba