The links below contain the "Photo Galleries" of all matches from the Praetorian I MMA Fighting Championships held on May 27th, 2013 ..
Please note , I need some help with correcting fighters names ...If I misspelled or completely screwed up the names and order of matches, I apologize..Please let me know what corrections are needed. (copy and paste)
The above link contains all matches with a Tomba Favorites folder (few picks from each match)..
The link below contains two folders one for Weigh-In portraits and one for Stare downs . (copy and paste)
Both the above links can be also viewed by accessing through the "Photo Galleries / Commerce " tab on the Home page tab of
If you need any help in navigating through Photo Galleries, information on corrections , Etc. give me a call or text at 630-258 8930 or e-mail at tom@tomba-images...
Happy Memorial Day ...Cheers ..